The Whatness of the vServer

The vServer is an electronic publishing, blogging and collaboration platform, based around a flexible jigsaw of “best-of-breed” Open Source and Open Architecture components. The various elements of the jigsaw can, at need, be combined, substituted and integrated with existing enterprise infrastructures to provide a flexible architecture for the creation and maintenance of dynamic web sites, online communities, team collaboration and mobile device and service integration.

The foci of the vServer platform are to:

  • Facilitate Casual integration with existing workflow and devices: it is possible to update a site simply by cc’ing an e-mail to it, by sending an SMS or voice message or by creating an update through either the web interface or any of a range of freely available blogging software.
  • Provide access to site content through standards-based web presentation, with different versions presented according to the capabilities of the endpoint device – PCs, PDAs and mobile phones with browser capability can all effectively use and contribute to a site.
  • Enable individuals and teams to create and manage their own content, without requiring detailed knowledge of web languages.
  • Provide a Dynamic Structure: Changes to the site structure are immediately reflected in the site itself – no technical knowledge or programming is necessary.
  • Make the most of the Skills available: because the vServer is based on widely used individual components, there is a global fund of individuals and support organisations skilled in the development and management of each. The software and configurations that provide the ‘glue’ for the vServer jigsaw are all documented and, where appropriate, are placed in the public domain.

The vServer is based on the Movable Type publishing platform, the MySQL database, Apache web server and other standards-based tools. It is only one of a range of options for collaboration and publishing that we support. So if you or your organisation are looking for help with the development and integration of dynamic web sites, collaboration systems, online community and mobile knowledge devices, please contact
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. We can support, directly or through our trusted associates, a full range of needs, from strategy definition and opportunity analysis through to technology and development support.